Saturday 14 April 2012


Beauty Dreams-Daydreaming from
Dreams have always been a mysterious part of human existence. Throughout human history they have been seen as signs of the future, gateways to the hidden meaning of life, entertainment for the resting mind, a way to make subconscious sense of daily events, among various other purposes.  Perhaps other forms of life dream as well. Maybe your dog really is chasing a rabbit when he starts running on the carpet with his eyes closed. Although the purpose of dreams is yet to be fully understood, their power to transport, inspire, and in some cases fundamentally change us makes them a fascinating and sometimes revered facet of human life. The Edge of Night aims to capture the incredible sense of freedom that dreams can lend to the dreamer. This poem also highlights the stark transition from the freedom of dreaming to the sharp contrast of earthbound reality governed by force outside of human control.

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